Follow The Nolas

How to tell if your a Nola.....
1. You view the world differntly , as if you are your own minority.
2. Your dreams feel more like reality then your actual life.
3. You have a constant feeling of... missplaced.
4. You have a constant feeling of knowning you where ment for something spectacular.
5. You believe in something other than the standard religions.
6.You possibly have seen or believe in the possibilites of extra terrestrials.
7.You feel people around you wont ever understand the real you.
8. You strongly feel ,that all humanity has left in their possesion is ART.
9. If you unintentualy see beauty in all forms,shapes,crafts,and colors.


E.T.H. -The Exta Terrestrial Human

Monday, November 29, 2010

Does Society Run Towards or Away From Colors?

What kinda of person are you if u wear all black ? Emo? Goth? Rock?  or just a GD Folk lol jk. If you wear colors ,are u Hipster? Retro? Punk? Gay? Now its well known that people- do judge you quickly -not by ur mood or your presence. but by your color (no no not race .) and not by what your wearing , but JUST BY THE COLOR OF YOUR CLOTHES and how you carry yourself in them.

Colors are what move humanity away from the relentless Norm that is. -E.T.H

 P.S. These pics remind me of people (who dont know their in a colorfull society)

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